【文献阅读】 Training Deep Neural Networks for the Inverse Design of Nanophotonic Structures


Training Deep Neural Networks for the Inverse Design of Nanophotonic Structures

Dianjing Liu, Yixuan Tan, Erfan Khoram, and Zongfu Yu*




在反向设计网络中,存在着反向散射的基本属性:相同的电磁属性R是由不同的结构D1D2产生,这样的不唯一性使得神经网络无法收敛,极大的增加了网络的训练难度。本文提出了一个串联网络结构(tandem network structure)来解决这个问题,通过将反向设计网络与正向建模网络级联,可以有效地训练串联网络。




(a) A forward modeling neural network with one hidden layer.

(b) An inverse network with one hidden layer.

Conclusion: This is the key advantage of the data-driven method: simulations are invested in to build the design tool, while they are constantly consumed in conventional optimization methods.



(a) A thin film composed of m layers of SiO2 and Si3N4.

(b, c) Example of two 6-layer thin film designs with very similar transmission spectra.

Conclusion: We set the maximum allowed thickness of each layer to be a. The spectral range of interest is 0.15c/a ≤ f ≤ 0.25c/a. The number of instances (R, D) typically ranges from tens to hundreds of thousands. In practice, the training data set may not include instances with identical response. However, as long as there are instances with distinct structures and almost the same transmission spectra, the training of the neural network would be hard to converge.



(a) Learning curve of the inverse network.

(b) Test example of the inverse network trained by the unfiltered training set.

(c) Test example of the inverse network trained by the filtered training set.

Conclusion: The design produced by this NN turns out to be far off from the target spectrum. Even without apparently conflicting instances, there are still implicitly conflicting instances that cannot be easily eliminated.



Conclusion: The forward modeling network is trained in advance. Then, the weights in the pretrained forward modeling network are fixed and the weights in the inverse network are trained to reduce the cost function defined as the error between the predicted response and the target response.



(a) Learning curve of the tandem neural network.

(b, c) Example test results for the tandem network method.

Conclusion: The rapidly decreasing cost of test instances shows that training is highly effective. Indeed, the structures designed by the tandem network create the desired transmission spectra with much better fidelity.



Conclusion: The spectra of the designed structures are reasonably satisfying the design goal. It only takes a fraction of a second for the neural network to compute a design.



文献链接:ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 1365−1369

DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01377



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